For long-term, evidence-preserving archiving.
Reliably and comprehensively protect electronically signed documents.
FP HashSafe.
Sealed archiving and evidence preservation.
Unlike physical documents, digital documents cannot be easily read. The integrity and authenticity status is also not immediately apparent, although this information is essential to the evidentiary value of the electronic document.
In addition to readability and completeness, proof of integrity and authenticity is essential to preserve the long-term evidentiary value of signed electronic documents. Therefore, metadata must be created, stored, and kept permanently – at least for the duration of legally required retention periods.
However, the evidentiary value of signatures can diminish within the time limits, e.g., because the security of the cryptographic procedures used is no longer ensured. Therefore, in addition to unalterable document storage, further measures are necessary to maintain the full evidentiary value (and thus simplified evidence): Qualified timestamps in accordance with eIDAS Regulation No. 910/2014 and the German Trust Services Act ensure the evidentiary value of electronic documents reliably and in the long term.
FP HashSafe also uses this method to manage the stored signature information – TR-ESOR compliant and BSI certified. Our long-term archiving solution connects to your existing archive and provides all the functionality you need to consolidate and audit your signature data. This is controlled by a verification workstation. The algorithms can be flexibly adapted to industry-specific signature security requirements. FP HashSafe enables a signed document to be verified at any time by establishing and proving a continuous chain of integrity (evidence record).
BSI-certified according to TR-03125 Preserving the evidentiary value of cryptographically signed documents.
Long-term archiving of qualified and advanced signatures.
Easily connect to DMS/ECM and archives via SOAP or archive API.
Monitoring service continuously verifies the integrity of the archive.
Quickly and easily export the evidence path of documents.
Reliably secured with qualified timestamps.
"The software generates hash values on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis, which are stored in a hash tree. When the validity of an encryption algorithm expires, the software automatically renews all hash values and provides the bundled documents with a new timestamp – ensuring legally compliant long-term archiving."
Dr. Gunther Fritzer, IT Management, St. Vincentius-Kliniken