Secure communication via De-Mail.

Send digital documents efficiently and with legally binding effect.


The portal solution for electronic legal transactions.

De-Mail enables secure, confidential, and legally binding transfer of digital documents between companies, authorities, and private individuals. With this technology, you send messages via encrypted channels to unambiguously identified users. The integrated virus scanner, two-factor authentication, and high-security computer centers exclusively at German locations offer you maximum security. 

Security: The sender and recipient identities are unambiguously verified.

German standards: Communications handling exclusively via German, BSI-certified computer centers.

Synchronization: Reliable, binding delivery to the recipient's inbox.

Legal conformity: Secure transmission route in accordance with §130a, German Code of Civil Procedure, and the German Electronic Le...

Encryption: Data transmission exclusively via encrypted channels. Stringent security provisions safeguard against spying or third-...

The all-in-one package.

With our FP Mentana Gateway, we are the only De-Mail service provider accredited by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) that also offers connection to other mailboxes for electronic legal transactions (EGVP, beBPo, and eBO). In combination with FP Sign, our eIDAS-compliant electronic signature solution, we offer you data security even beyond De-Mail.

Numerous benefits. 
What makes De-Mail the best option?

Der Versand von Informationen und Dokumenten über De-Mail funktioniert so schnell und einfach wie bei gewöhnlichen E-Mails. Gegensatz zu diesen ist die Kommunikationstechnik außerdem rechtsverbindlich (De-Mail-Gesetz), verbindlich (eindeutige Identifizierung), technologisch sicher (komplexe Verschlüsslungstechnik) und
nachweisbar (optionale Versand- und Empfangsbestätigung). 

> Interested? You can depend on FP digital: As a De-Mail service provider, we are required to provide proof of valid data protection certification. Even after BSI accreditation, we must also have our processes and systems regularly checked by independent inspection bodies..

schreiben am PC_

FP Mentana Gateway

With our FP Mentana Gateway including plug-in solution, we link the communication channels EGVP, beBPo, eBO, and De-Mail with your existing email infrastructure without changing the look of your email program. In the background, the Gateway solution reconfigures your messages into the right format and transmits them securely via the correct channel. You receive the messages and attachments that have been transmitted in encrypted form in the familiar way in your inbox.
Optimize your communication cost-effectively, efficiently, and in legally compliant form with the FP Mentana Gateway.




De-Mail protects confidentiality and prevents alterations to message contents (including metadata such as sender address, time of transmission, type of transmission). You can also choose between various transmission types and freely combine them.

"We wanted to establish binding, confidential, and legally secure transmission of our digital documents by integrating De-Mail in our mail program. FP digital was at that time the first certified De-Mail provider and reliably linked us up. We’re delighted with the service they offer."

Sabine Levonen, Landkreis Hildesheim

FP Mentana-Gateway. 
The all-in-one solution.

De-Mail connector
including 10 FP Mentana Gateway users
+ Outlook plug-in for all licensed users


€ 199,00

Minimum duration

12 months

Services incl.

Identification, 1 De-Mail domain

/ One-time system installation

/ No additional workstation installations required

/ Multi-client capability

/ EGVP, beBPo, eBO, De-Mail, and email functionality

/ De-Mail verification

/ Custom administration of the FP Mentana Gateway is possible

/ Custom programming

/ End-to-end encryption (S/MIME and PGP)

/ Plug-in for various email programs available

/ Transfer to archive via file system, email attachment, or web service access

/ Technical interface for professional applications (API)

Your De-Mail account.
Content overview.


De-Mail account* incl. 1 De-Mail domain

€ 10,00/month

Identification check ** on-site by service provider

€ 12,52 one-off

Identification check ** via eID (official ID card)

€ 0

Option to change identification attributes after registration (e.g. power of attorney, name of institution, address, mobileTAN, and activation)

€ 25,21

Other users

each €4,20/ montas

You can find an overview of shipping options and features here. 
All De-Mail prices are stated exclusive of the statutory VAT.
*Including 2 De-Mail addresses and 100 MB of memory per De-Mail address.
** Also required if identity attributes change which need to be verified.

Do you have any questions about De-Mail?
We will be happy to answer them in a personal consultation.